Tuesday, January 21, 2014


The next challenge on Off The Rails Scrapbooking   http://offtherailsscrapbooking.blogspot.com.au/
involved adding height to a project which severely limited what I could do so I decided on a cake platter of cupcakes.

I cut a 6 x 4 card and then a background piece of lightly decorated paper and then inked the edges of both the card and the background using a gold ink pad. 

Next step was to open the new die that I bought from Shelley's Land https://www.facebook.com/groups/486192618129379/ and then to find some silver paper. Fortunately I had some in my old Creative Memories stash. Then I used the Cuttlebug to cut and emboss. I have decided that fleecy fabric works well as shim. A bit odd I know - but hey - if it works....why not?

I used a mini patty case to cut the paper shells but after I had decided on the cakes I had to trim them a bit more. I tried both circle and football punches and decided that the football with trimmed sides made excellent little cakes.

Then it was time to mount the cakes onto the cake stand using raised dots - I had a bit of height. Not a lot I must admit but a bit!!!!!!! Now all I needed was a bit of bling.
Doesn't look like it has any height at all - but I am happy and it won't rip in the post.

1 comment:

  1. Barbara, love your take on the challenge, that is thinking outside the box, and what a lovely card. Thank you for joining the Height Challenge at Off The Rails Scrapbooking.

