Saturday, May 21, 2011

Facebook friends and food

One of the things I have really been enjoying on Facebook is the contact with people all around the world. It is amazing how many people talk about what they are having for dinner and I am learning so much! I often am asked by family and friends for some of my recipes and one of the problems is that most people who have cooked for a family have their own little twists and peculiarities that are often not recorded in the recipe book. Similarly we all have different ovens and utensils and precise instructions sometimes do not work at all. I have decided to put a few of my favourites on here from time to time. BUT - remember they are the things I do and there are NO absolute guarantees about anything!

I have a La Germania gas oven - it has numbers instead of temperatures and sometimes I think we have "cold gas". (That makes no sense as the oven is thermostatically controlled....but.......)

One of the things I often make for parties and to take away camping are these muffins. I call them Marea's Muffins because she gave me the original recipe - where it originally came from I have no idea. It is a great recipe for using up little bits and pieces and it is good because you can do substitutes - e. g. wholemeal flour, sugar substitute and low fat cheese.


1 cup of self raising flour
2 teaspoons of sugar
½ teaspoon mustard
1 cup of grated cheese
1 egg beaten into ½ cup of milk
2 tablespoons of chopped parsley
1 teaspoon of chopped chives
1 tin of pink salmon with the bones removed, keep the juice.( You don’t need it but keep it anyway – well that is what the recipe said!!!!)

Mix flour, sugar, mustard and cheese in a bowl.
Add salmon, parsley and chives.
Mix well.
Add egg and milk

Spoon into muffin tops and cook at 220 degrees for 15-16 minutes
Or in normal muffin tins for 20-25 minutes.
Cream cheese can be placed into a slit on the top

Use mini muffin tins or similar. ( Barb’s oven - Middle shelf Setting 4 for 14 minutes)
You can add all sorts of bits, the odd chopped mushroom, carrot peeled with the peeler, little bits of broccoli, bit of chopped spinach etc – not so much that you change the total texture or then you will need a little bit of that juice!!!!
